
Thursday, July 15, 2010

*** WINNER ***

And the WINNER is ...

Hello Everyone, today is my birthday and my sweet husband has taken the day off work to spend it with me!!  Doing WHAT EVER I WANT TO DO!!  (Isn't that sweet!) 

It is now noon . . . we have already been out for breakfast and to Best Buy where we bought a wireless printer for me to use along with my laptop in my craftroom.  All this time, I was having to go up two flights to the computer that is hooked up to a printer everytime I wanted to print something ... Uuugh!!  

Now we're headed to the movies!!  Going to go see Toy Story 3 in 3d and The Grown Ups ... nothing bloody or action packed!  This is MY DAY and I don't like those types of movies ... I like FUN STUFF!!  (LOL)

We are also in the process of setting up the new printer but it will have to be in a "HOLD" pattern until after the movies!!  Mark is also making himself a bologna sandwich before we go ... he'd better hurry ... times running out!!

Oh Yea, the winner ...  well, I asked Mark to pick a number between 1 - 30 and he picked _________!  Ooops, out of time ... gotta go ... the big announcement will come later!  Tee Hee!   "My Bad" for keeping you in suspense! 


  1. Have a wonderful day,
    (its my birthday today as well)
    Enjoy toy story, I have heard its good,

  2. Sounds like a wonderfully fun day!! ENJOY! And you sure are naughty keeping us all in suspense!

  3. you're such a funny girl
    happy birthday to you and have fun at the movie
    hugs angelique

  4. Happy Birthday to you, sweet friend! I certainly hope that you are enjoying the day!!!!
    Kim xXx

  5. Happy Birthday Darlene! Have a fantabulous day!

  6. Happy Birthday!!! It sounds like a wonderful day planned. Definitely my kind of movies!

  7. Well Happy Birthday Dar!!! Hope you're having a fabuloso day sweetie! xoxo

    Love this post - so full of fun, excitement and action. heehee! Hope he had the chance to eat his sandwich before you all headed out. I need a review of those movies please! DH and I are due for a date night. Hugs - can't wait to hear the announcement!

  9. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day!

  10. OMG! You're killin me here!! What a great hubby you have for doin all that. Happy Happy Birthday, have fun and live it up girl!

  11. Happy belated birthday, Darlene! My daughter, Elizabeth has the same birthday as you! She turned 1-year-old on the 15th. :)


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