Morgan is such a pretty girl and SO MUCH FUN!! The young man who escorted her tonight is named Seth and he's a very good friend of her's from the race track. For those of you know are not aware ... Morgan races a Junior Dragster racecar as does her 11 year old brother. Their dad races a '67 Camero and their mom tries to keep up with all of them and make sure they are where they need to be when they need to be there. More about the racing will be in another post along with photos. As luck would have it, the first day of racing is tomorrow morning ... Morgan will be there but I'm not too sure how her response time will be with having next to no sleep tonight! Either way I hope she has a very memorable evening ... she certainly looks beautiful!
The last picture in the lineup shows the many sides of Morgan. All dressed up, hair and nails done talking on her cell phone next to her SUV. Her parent's country girl princess!
It was so nice to share some GOOD, JOYFUL news with you all tonight!
Thanks for stopping by!! Mark seemed to be in better spirits tonight before I left to come home. I'm taking a little time for myself in the morning and attending the "Adventures in Stamping" being held in Akron this weekend then I'll be heading back up to the hospital. I hope he's tremendously better upon my arrival ... at least that's what I'm praying for tonight!!
Megan certainly looks beautiful - love her dress, so elegant and understated with all that beadwork and/or embroidery, and then the way it's gathered or tucked or whatever you call that on the skirt portion. Enjoy your Adventures in Stamping!!