Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? We sure did here at the Pavlick household! First my friend Linda Davis stopped by for a visit before heading back home to Pennsylvania. It was very nice to just sit and talk about childhood Christmas memories while sipping on a "mamosa". Then around 1:30, the "kids" came up for lunch and gift giving.

Mark & I had prepared a ham for the meal so it smelled really good when you walked into our house!! Since I was busy preparing food items and didn't have all the wrapping done yet ... Mark was good enough to take over that chore and keep me company in the kitchen. We kept the meal pretty simple since we all have a tendency to "overeat" throughout the holidays. Besides the ham, I made potatoe salad and green bean casserole. Of course we had other "munchies" scattered about ... trust me, no one goes hungry at our house!! LOL!
Mark & I had prepared a ham for the meal so it smelled really good when you walked into our house!! Since I was busy preparing food items and didn't have all the wrapping done yet ... Mark was good enough to take over that chore and keep me company in the kitchen. We kept the meal pretty simple since we all have a tendency to "overeat" throughout the holidays. Besides the ham, I made potatoe salad and green bean casserole. Of course we had other "munchies" scattered about ... trust me, no one goes hungry at our house!! LOL!
Jonathan was
chommpin' at the bit to open presents (as he always is) so we di
dn't torture him too long. Jon is a Pittsburgh Steelers fan through & through but recently he's taken a liking to the Carolina Panther's team as well. So of course Nanna had to find him a ball cap. I paid WAY TOO MUCH for it but as you can see by the "I'm Mr. Cool" look on his face, it was worth it!!
His "BIG" gift this year was a n
ew TV ... mind you, he's not allowed to have it in his bedroom ... it is to be placed in a "shared" room ... but he will be the one to use it the most! I think he was more thrilled with the female racing star (sorry, her name slips my mind at the moment) who was pictured on the back of the box than the TV itself. LOL!! As you know, Jon & Morgan both race Jr. Dragsters ... so they know ALL the top racing people (unlike myself). That's okay ... as long as we can see that smile on his face, we're happy!!
Now for Morgan's BIG Christmas present ... it was a little difficult to wrap
so we left her a hint
as to what it was then walked her out to the garage for the "real thing". (I must tell you ... she didn't catch on to the clue too well ... but as you will see, she was very THRILLED with the real gift). Her clue was these 4 "little" rubber tires in a beautiful decorated glass gift box.
Yes, we bought her 4 new tires for her SUV. They live out in the country and she (along with her mom & dad) all drive Chevy Blazers. Morgan's is a 1996 that her & her dad had to put a new motor in it together and she just loves it!!! (Yes, my granddaughter is a bit of a "motorhead" but there again ... so is her mother!) Mark & I both agreed we'd feel much better knowing she was driving around with good tires throughout the winter!! Hence the ODD gift idea.
Did you notice the doggie in the picture?? NO ...
Mark & I don't have a dog but the kids do and since she's still a puppy ... they were afraid to leave her at home all day by herself. She's a bit of a "chewer" and would probably have eaten the christmas tree by the time they made it back home. Meet SIDNEY! Anyone who
knows me, knows I am NOT an animal lover ... BUT, my kids are and if it makes it easier for them to bring Sidney along for the visit ... than that's okay with me. Actually I was very impressed with Sid's behaviour ... she was really good and it was fun to have her come visit for the afternoon!!
Well, there you have it ... Christmas at the Pavlick's!! Of course, it's always like Christmas Morning when my "kids" come to visit!
Well, there you have it ... Christmas at the Pavlick's!! Of course, it's always like Christmas Morning when my "kids" come to visit!
We are all headed over to my Mother's house this afternoon to celebrate Christmas with her. Mom will be 80 on January 27th and loves having EVERYONE get together! (That must be where I get my need for "get togethers")!
OH ... and I must share with you one of the gifts Mark got me! Again ... anyone who know me, knows how much I HATE wearing shoes! I prefer wearing Flip-Flops as long into the year as I can. So ... was I thrilled to receive Flip-Flop Slippers for Christmas! They are so awesome!! In fact, I have them on right now and they are so warm & cozy! I didn't even know they made such a thing ... Thanks Honey!!!
One other gift I received and this was from the kids ... was a "Bind-It All"! I can't wait to give that a try! I've often thought "I should have one of those" when I see all the cool things people are making ... and now I do! Hopefully after the first of the year I'll have a project to share with you, using my new Bind-It All!
Thanks so much for letting me share my Christmas Day with you all!! I can't wait to get out there blog hopping and see how your Christmas Day was!! My family might be small ... but I am truly blessed and love dearly each & every one of them!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Thanks so much for letting me share my Christmas Day with you all!! I can't wait to get out there blog hopping and see how your Christmas Day was!! My family might be small ... but I am truly blessed and love dearly each & every one of them!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
I'm so pleased that you had such a wonderful Christmas, Darlene! Your family is really lovely. Can't wait to see what you make with your new Bind It All!
Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with your family, Darlene! So glad!!! Looks like you really scored with the grandkids' gifts--great job!
ReplyDeleteLove those fuzzy flip-flops--how fun! Hope you keep having a wonderful family celebration this week--looking forward to those fabulous Bind-It-All creations you'll be making! Lucky you--I kinda want one of those pretty little gadgets myself! Love to you, dear friend!
It seems to me that you have had a great christmas. I think it was a fab idea to give your granddaughter tires so she can drive safe. The dog is adorable, but ok, I am an animal lover.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on getting a Bind-it-all! I will be back to see what you will make with it.
Hey there sweetie!! Loved all your pictures!! Glad you had a fabulous Christmas!! Talk to you soon.!!
Hi my friend! What a wonderful Christmas you had!! What wonderful Grandchildren you have! I like to wear my flip flops as long as I can as well. Have you ever seen toesless socks? They sell them at Walmart down here and you can wear them with flip flops around the house. I love mine. You are going to LOVE your bind-it-all. I have one and don't use it as much as I should, but I do love it! Happy New Year!