Tuesday, August 31, 2010

*Wink *Wink Ink AUGUST CHALLENGE Winners . . .

The AUGUST CHALLENGE for *Wink *Wink Ink over on CDAC was to use METAL.  That challenge is now CLOSED and it's time to select the WINNERS!  Our TEAM Selection Winner is:

Congratulations Sandi! 
Here is Sandi's winning creation ... (all three sides).

AND, the Random Org. selected winner is LORI STOKES WRIGHT with her "Happy Day" entry!  Here is a look at Lori's creation:

Congratulations ladies!  
Please email me at akadafney@yahoo.com with your TWO *Wink *Wink Ink selections (minus the Grandma's Parlor) and I'll get them over to you as fast as I can!!

Be watching Monday, September 6th  for the new SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE over on CDAC!  Play along and YOU could be our next winners!! 

TWO - 4 - ONE

Hello Everyone!  
Are you having a good day??
It's in the 90s outdoors  here in Ohio
(too hot to do anything out there), 
so that gives me the opportunity to
"GET CAUGHT UP" on my crafting!  
The crafting cave is nice and cool!!!

As my title indicates, I am covering TWO challenges today with ONE creation.  This card satisfies the challenge on the Crafty Secrets Forum of SCS . . . where our hostess, Jan, has asked us to use FALL as our theme for this weeks creation.

(click image to enlarge)
This card also is for the #12 challenge over at Joan's Gardens where we have sort of a recipe challenge.  We were to use: striped paper, pearls or brads, piercing & a fall image.  (The image was supposed to be stamped but I'm sure Joan will understand this time around, teehee).

Recipe for my creation is as follows:
Stamps:  Carolyn King (for GinaK)
Image:  Crafty Secrets - *new* Seasonal Booklet
Papers: DCWV dp, Joann's Debbie Mumm dp, old olive, basic black
Inks:  Versafine Black
Accessories:  SU fiber, Colorbok flower, antique brass brads, paper piercer & pad, Martha Stewart "frond" punch

Thanks for stopping by today ... please come back tomorrow when I will have another 2-4-1 creation which covers The Sisterhood Challenge and Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge.  

Now it's back to the crafting cave while my "juices are flowing" then back upstairs to finish canning more picalilli!  While at Joan Fricker's this week, I purchased some FRESH tomatoes (red & green) and sweet peppers from the farmer, Denny, who farms some of Joan & Jon's land.  Talk about fresh ... I had to wait for Denny to finish picking my tomatoes so I could get on the road headed home!!  Now that's FRESH and an AWESOME price too!!  

Hugs to you!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Joan's Gardens Workshop

As you know, I have been MIA due to my driving out to Indiana to help Joan (Joan's Gardens) get set up & ready for her August Workshop which took place this past Saturday!  What a WONDERFUL time!  GREAT projects, FUN demos and FABULOUS food!!  It was so nice to meet up again with some of the ladies I met at Joan's last workshop in the Spring ... and ... to make new friends too!  Here's a GROUP photo taken in front of Joan & Jon's beautiful outdoor setting!!

 Joan came up with some awesome projects for us this time (as always) and I must also give credit to her designer Selma Stevenson who helped with project ideas!

This first project is a luminary which is just precious!  (my photos aren't the greatest ... sorry ... I'm sure Joan will have better to share with you this week!)

Joan has used a Fabreeze home accent stand but she gave us all those little battery powered candles to use inside ours ... isn't this precious!!  You can click on the image to enlarge.

Next is a really FUN tag made using the new Tim Holtz techniques & products that Joan is now carrying!  This was great fun and may have been the favorite project (not sure)!
The pumpkin was cut on the Cricket machine using Tim's new Grunge Paper.  Then we ran it through the Cuttlebug for the embossing and colored it using Tim's distress inks & perfect pearls.  The really GREAT FUN part of doing this tag was that everyone's came out a little different ... using the same products!!

Lastly is this awesome card (again sorry ... bad photo) using the new Cuttlebug folders that cut & emboss all in one roll through!
This beautiful watering can is from Heartfelt Creations and is called "Posey Patch Garden Delights".  

One of the highlights of my day was to meet an online friend from Sharon Johnson's Stamp Simply group BARB SCHRAM (Explore, Dream, Discover) in person!  What a sweet, sweet lady and we had a wonderful time getting to know each other!!  Barb & I both did demos for Joan this time and it was a lot of fun!

Well, that's it for this post ... there will be more to come today!  As I said in my last post ... lots to catch up on!  Now I really must get off the computer and get my shower!  Yikes ... it's nearly lunchtime and I haven't even had breakfast yet!  Gotta go ....   thanks for stopping!!


The Winner of MY GIVEAWAY for The Sisterhood Blog Hop

Happy Monday Everyone!  
I have a TON of news to share with you today and hope to have some creations to share later in the day!  So I'm going to have several postings today (sorry!)

First I'd like to announce the WINNER of "my" Sisterhood Delicious Doodles Blog Hop giveaway.  Thanks to all those who played our hop and left wonderful comments and good wishes to Teri!!  
And the winner is:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2010-08-30 12:31:05 UTC

That would be LYNDA (Lynda Loves Crafting).   If you didn't see Lynda's entry ... here it is:

Linda, please email me at akadafney@yahoo.com so I can send your FIVE fun new Delicious Doodles images on their way and again, Congratulations!!!

Thanks for stopping by today!  I will be back with the *Wink *Wink Ink August Challenge Winners announcement ... as well as photos & writeup from my Indiana Workshop Trip to Joan's Gardens.  AND MORE ... once I get the chance to get unpacked and back into my crafting cave!!  

Thanks always for your support!!!   OH YEA ... I'll also be choosing the winner of MY BLOGAVERSARY over the next couple of days too!!  WOW ... looks like another busy week!!!  LOL!!

Hugs to you all ...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge and Whoo! Hoo! I have EXCITING NEWS!!!

Did you happen to notice the new badge on my sidebar???  No, you say ... well it looks like this ...

Yep, that's right  ...  I am now a designer for the "priscillastyles" Store and I am SO EXCITED about this adventure!  If you're not familiar with Priscilla's digi images or her creative work's of art, you really MUST check it out!!

Speaking of Priscilla, for today's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge, I have used an image from Priscilla's "Rose Corset Set".   This card was SO MUCH FUN to create and I'm very happy with the outcome!  I've used Prismacolor markers for my coloring and actually cut the image apart with a craft knife then laid it out atop a gold lamay panel.
(click image to enlarge)
My corner flowers are from Wild Orchid and I've also added Crystal Effects to the flowers that are a part of the image.

If you've never played this challenge, you are missing an amazing group of very talented ladies who have inspired me from week to week with their unique sketches & creations!!  Be sure to check out Midnight Madness and please be sure to check out what Priscilla has to offer at  "priscillastyles" Store!  You will be so glad you took the time!!

Other challenges this creation fits are:
Donnas Den of Crafts - lots of layers
Kaboodle Doodles Challenge - lovely flowers & lace
Papers, Scissors, Rocks - "non-stamped" flower on your creation
Stamp with Fun - card for a girl
Stamp Something - digi stamp

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I'm preparing to leave on Wednesday morning to attend at workshop at Joan's Gardens in Indiana so I'd better get packing!!  Clothes ... no problem ... what crafting supplies to take with me ... Uuugh ... how much can I fit in my car??  LOL!!  

Hugs to you all!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Squigglefly Time . . .

It's time once again for the Squigglefly Challenge and today we are creating a Diagonal Double Pocket card with Fall Colors!   I am using an image called Birthday Cake Caboodle by Diane Carubia which was released on Saturday and is now available in the store.
Isn't he adorable for a birthday party!!  I've used Prismacolor markers for my coloring and my designer paper is by SU.  I've covered manilla tags with a couple pieces of scrap fall designed paper then stamped with my sentiments.  I used a Fiskars swivel craft knife to cut out my birthday cuties!

Here is a view with the tags outside the pockets.  A couple pieces of ribbon to accent the top of the tag and a little faux stitching is all that is required to complete this fun creation!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you like my card!  Please be sure to pop on over to the Squigglefly Store to see all the new releases and also to the Squigglefly Challenge Blog to see what my co-creators have done for today's challenge ... they are inspirational!!

Hugs to you all!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Just playing around!

Last week via CDAC ... I discovered a technique that I just couldn't wait to try!  I saw it done over on Sandy Hulsart's blog (Creative Moments with Sandy) and it is using a stipple brush and inks to create your background then using Stampscape stamps for create your scene.  She was demonstrating on a tag (here is a link to her other blog ... Scenes by Sandy) so I did the same.  Here's what I came up with ... what do you think??

Unfortunately the tags I used are not of the highest quality ... but maybe after I add the ribbon they won't look too bad!  This was SO MUCH FUN and I just LOVE creating these scenes!!  I have several Stampscapes images so all I needed was to play around with my background colors and I was in scene making heaven.  

Please be sure to pop on over to Sandy's blogs ... you won't be sorry!!  She's one talented lady!!

Hope your weekend was fun!  I'm exhausted ... just got back a short while ago from the Family Reunion I was telling you about!  Ooooo ate too much ... talked too much ... laughed too much .... Oooooo I need to go to bed!!  Thanks for stopping by!  Hugs to ya!!


Family Reunion Time of the Year

That's correct, it's at this time of the year (every year) that we get together for our Cousin/Family reunion.  It is called that because on Friday night & all day Saturday the COUSINS get together (there are 42 first cousins of which I am one!) then on Sunday, the ENTIRE family comes together.  There are over 200 of us and although we don't ALL make it every year ... there's always quite a crowd!  Note last years photo below:

 My mother had 8 sisters & 3 brothers and as time goes on, the Morgan family just keeps growing & growing!  On Friday night, there is always a big bonfire and we cook hot dogs, roast corn on the cob and there always homemade chili.  Home canned relishes are always available for the hot dogs and this year I noticed a few desserts hiding in the pavilion!  
I didn't make it down for the Saturday festivities (canning & preparation for my Indiana trip needed done) but they always make an AWESOME breakfast then in the evening there's a grilled Steak or Chicken dinner.  This year they had a square-dance caller coming in and I'm sure I'll hear all the stories today!  (hopefully someone got pictures!!)
 (My grandmother [center] & her 12 kids ...my mother is 
on the  bottom row left side with blue jacket. 
Photo take around the early 1980s)

Today is the big FAMILY REUNION and I'm headed down there very shortly.  It's an hour & 1/2 drive but that's okay ... it's worth it and besides, my family would never forgive me if I didn't show up!!  OH, did I tell you this all takes place on my cousin Paul's 100 acre farm??  Out in the middle of nowhere ... where you can hoop & holler all you won't and no one cares!!  My cousin, Cobby (real name Jim) always rents fun stuff to keep the kids busy ... dunking tank, water slide, and a few other things for the little kids.
Well, I just took the last jars of picalilli out of the canner so I guess I'd better get on the road!  Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!!

Hugs to ya!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Here's something a little different ...

This week, the challenge Joan has posted at Joan's Gardens is to make a tag ... well, here it is in her words:
Make a tag this week and on the tag you need to use something heavier than cardstock.  You can use Chip Board if you don't have any of this wonderful Grunge paper.  The colors need to be old and vintage looking.  You can add metal, cork, flowers or anything you have in your stash.
So, with that being said, I went through my STASH and came up with a "layaway" tag which was an RAK ... some purple Memories Mist which was an RAK ... these awesome school days chipboards ... also an RAK and a Key (I did buy that!  LOL) 
Looking back, I think I should have ruffed up the edges a bit to give it an "older" look!  Oh well ... next time!  I colored my chipboard using Prismacolor markers.
Well that's all I have for now!  I have TOMATOES to work with today/tomorrow and my family reunion is ALL WEEKEND!  Yikes!  The red tomatoes will be turned into Salsa and the green tomatoes will be turned into Picalilli ... yummmo!

Hugs to you all!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Crafty Secrets Challenge - Brown Baggin' It

This week over on the SCS Crafty Secrets Forum Challenge, Pammyjo has challenged us to use ... of all things ... a brown bag on our creation!  Hmmmmm now that got my wheels turning!!  
 (click image to enlarge)
First I thought okay ... I'll get one of DH's lunch bags, crumple it up as background paper then I spotted a stack of various bags I had saved from crafting purchases.  Some stores really use creative bags ... others "not so much!"   My "brown bag" is actually a brown/red gingham paper bag and see the "pinked edging"??  that was the top of the bag.  I merely cut it to size ... smushed a little vintage photo ink on it and I had my background all ready to go!!

With it being "gardening"  time of the year, I chose this sweet image from the new "Seasonal booklet".   I've made a fence with the MS fence border punch ... a little more vintage ink smooshing ... a flower/a vine and this creation was complete!!

Thanks again for stopping by!  I truly appreciate your visits!!

Have you checked out MY BLOGAVERSARY GIVEAWAY???  Please be sure to stop by and take part!!


Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge #67

WOW what a busy week!!!  Yikes!!  Well I might be late, but I wasn't about to miss this week's Midnight Madness Sketch Challenge!  Oh, Oh, Oh ... did you see I won a "Remarkables Award" for last weeks entry???  How cool is that!!

This week's sketch is another beauty!!  And I went with the "fancy" version!  My beautiful digi image is from my Scottish friend, Teri Sherman (Delicious Doodles) and I think red is the perfect color to go with Black/White!  What do you think??
 (click image to enlarge)
 I was watching my favorite dancing show (So You Think You Can Dance) that I had DVR'd when I was thinking about creating this card and they were doing the "waltz" ... hence my main image choice!!  

The designer paper is from the DCWV LeCreme and the right side panel is flocked which really adds a nice dimension to this card.  I have used gold Stickles to border the entire card as well as adding Stickles to the center of the ribbon slide. (see closeup)

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  It has been a GREAT crafting day for me!  Three of my cousins and two of their friends came up today for a card class and we had an AWESOME time!!  They really enjoyed learning and I really enjoyed the lunch they brought with them!  Homemade Stuffed Pepper soup (peppers from the garden), homemade tuna salad, homemade cheese-beer bread along with several other types of bread, fresh fruit, garden tomatoes!  WOW what a spread ... perfect payment in my mind!!  LOL!!
Please stop back later when I will have my Crafty Secrets creation to share with you!  Challenge this week ... "brown bag" ... hmmmmm!

Hugs to you all,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hello Everyone!!  Today the Sisterhood is having a Blog Hop honoring our Sistah "Teri" and her Delicious Doodles 1st Birthday!!

If you've come here from MICKI's blog, you are on the right track!  After you check out the creations I have to share with you using Delicious Doodle Digi images, you will want to scurry on over to BONI's Blog.

This beautiful digi is called "Smell The Roses" and is just precious!!

 How about this fun Halloween image called "Halloween Fairy"!

And one more fun image which is appropriately titled "Squirrel"!

The challenge is to create a card/project using one a Delicious Doodle digi image.  AND if you leave a project linked here (along with a comment), your name will go in twice for the grand prize identified over on The Sisterhood!!  So "get crackin'"  LOL!!

Just in case you've gotten lost along the way, 
here is the HOP ORDER:

Some of the Sistahs will be giving away prizes on their personal blogs ... so be sure to stop at EVERY blog so you don't miss out on all the fun & goodies!!  

My prize to ONE LUCKY WINNER are the following FIVE digi's from Delicious Doodles!


This HOP will continue for TWO weeks ... until Sunday, August 29th and all winner's will be announced on Tuesday, August 31st over on the Sisterhood Challenge Blog.  So you have plenty of time to stop by each Sistah's blog and leave a comment for your chance to show your support & maybe win some awesome goodies!!!

Good Luck!  

Thanks so much for helping us honor Delicious Doodles on their FIRST BIRTHDAY!!

(Linkup closed)

Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge

Today at the Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge, we are to create a PINK & GREEN creation!  

This week we are being sponsored by KAH-Wink-E-Dink and I have used one of their adorable images for my creation!!  Be sure to pop on over to their store and check out all the fun images!!

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to check out the inspirational pieces created by the Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge DT.  You can find links on my sidebar! 

Catch you later!!

Monday, August 16, 2010


WHOO!  HOO!   

Today is my 2nd Blogaversary and I would like to say Thank You to my followers for their visits & kind comments with a little giveaway!

My friend Cheryl (Stamp-By-Step) has offered to sponsor my blogaversary with a giveaway!  How awesome is that!!  Here is all you have to do:

1.  Pop over to Stamp-By-Step ... take a look around ... then come back here and leave a comment telling me your favorite product at Cheryl's store.

2.  If you create a card using ANYTHING from Cheryl's store, link it back here and your name will go in twice.

3.  If you aren't currently a follower, that's okay, it's not necessary to win but it sure would be nice if you did become a follower of my blog and I thank you in advance if you do!!

Here is what you will be playing for:
When you pop over to Stamp-By-Step, you will notice that Cheryl has fantastic sales every month and this month is no exception!  Are you familiar with Webster's Pages products??  NO you say ... WOW you are missing the boat!  Especially if you enjoy vintage as I do!  And to be able to make your purchase this month at 25% off ... WOWZA what a deal!!  

SPEAKING OF WEBSTER'S PAGES ... Here's a set of cards I made to share with you, using Webster's Pages 8x8 Triple Pack - Seaside Retreat, Garden Gala & Nature's Storybook designer paper.  
In this paper pack there are 2 sheets of each design and they are 2-sided.  I chose 3 different patterns and made 2 cards with each pattern. 
I have also utilized the excess that was cut off in order to fit my A-2 cards.  I have cut & pasted either to the front corners (as shown on the first two sets of cards) or on the inside of the card (as shown on the third set of cards).  The ONLY embellishment I have added to these cards is either a Martha Stewart Bird or Butterfly and a sentiment (in this case, SU Elegant Greetings) ... how easy is that!!

Another project I'd like to share with you is a box I found in the discount bin at Hobby Lobby and covered using the same Webster's Pages paper pack.  

The addition of MS butterflies, a SU grommet w/ribbon and Wild Orchid flowers turned this plain black box into a beautiful trinket box!  

Would you like to be the owner of this box???  Well you can just by playing along on my Blogaversary Giveaway!!  That's right, not only will there be a winner receiving the awesome prize from Stamp-By-Step, but also ANOTHER WINNER will receive this beautiful trinket box.

DEADLINE ... August 31, 2010

Thank you my friends for all your encouragement & support!  You'll never know how much it means to me!!  Hugs to you all!!

Thanks for joining in my celebration!  Hope you enjoyed touring Stamp-By-Step and will visit often!




(Linkup closed)

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Good Sunday Morning to you all!

I'm just popping in quickly to let you know about a brand new challenge blog forming and they are looking for DT members! This challenge blog is based in New Zealand and they are open to Scrappers and Cardmakers.  The aim of this challenge blog is to give the papercrafters from downunder a chance to play along in some wicked challenges.  The are called "Southern Girls Challenge".

If you've been on the hunt for a new, fresh design team ... here ya go!  Be sure to pop over and check 'em out!  

My friend Louise and her friend Tracy are the two awesome ladies starting this adventure.  Heck, I might even jump on the band wagon ... would be great fun!!  Care to join me??  (Oh that is of course if I'm chosen, LOL)

Please check 'em out!  Thanks!
Have a great day!! 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Talk about a fun time ...

 Today my husband took the day off work to spend it with me doing "what ever I wanted to do" ... little did he know I planned on doing home canning all day ... so being the sweet guy he is, he spent all day helping me cut up veggies, moving hot canning jars from one location to another and whatever else I asked him to do!  He is really a big help in the kitchen (and I must say an amazing cook too!!)
We put up 7 pints of sweet banana peppers ... 7 pints of hot mixed vegetables and 7 pints of corn relish!  The other day I made 7 pints of salsa (more of that to come with tomatoes coming on full blast)!  I'm also waiting for green tomatoes to replenish my "piccalilli" supply!

As you can see, my pantry shelf is starting to fill up and with there only being the TWO of us, when all is said & done, there will be plenty to keep us over the winter.

NOW ... with my  "homework" being done, here's a fun creation I made with the *Wink *Wink Ink digi image called "Mama".  I also used the current *FREEBIE (the adorable chickie border) offered over on the *Wink *Wink Ink Company Blog.

  (click image to enlarge)

Well, that's it for today!  I'm starting to get a little tired and I haven't eaten my dinner yet!  Guess I'd better do that before it's time for bed (a couple more hours)!  Thanks for stopping by today and as always ... thanks for all your wonderful comments!  I love hearing from you all!!  Have a great weekend!!

Hugs to you!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Joan's Garden's Challenge #10

Joan's Gardens Challenge!

I can't believe this lady even had time to put together a challenge ... what with CHA, Shoe-Box Swap in Michigan & bringing Ruby (Mom) home to stay with them ... WOW . . . ( I think Joan is really Wonder Woman in disguise!! )  

Anywhoooooo ... today's challenge is to create a card/project with the colors PURPLE & GREEN, use a strip of patterned paper and add a butterfly somewhere on your project.  Here's what I came up with:

 (click on image to enlarge)
 I LOVE Graphic 45 paper and since I'm also trying to use us scraps ... this 2-sided paper jumped right out of the bin!  I carefully measured in order to have a big enough piece to cut the strip of grapes & leaves to use as my "strip of patterned paper".   

 (click on image to enlarge)
 I've added Crystal Effects to give the grapes a little "shine" and added purple Stickles to my Martha Stewart butterflies for even more sparkle.  I didn't have the correct size rectangle Nestie to cut my sentiment panel, so I decided to use a stipple brush and swirl a couple different shades of purple ink around the outside edge.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!  I have errands to run but guess where I've been for the past couple of hours ... you guessed it ... in the crafting cave!!  What can I say ... I was having more fun there than I will fighting the crowds at the stores!  Uuugh!  Besides ... it's hot outside and it's quite comfortable down in the cave!!  Oh well ... duty calls ... better 'Get 'r Done'!  

Hugs to you all!  

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

We're having fun now ...

I've been trying to spend some quality time in my crafting cave catching up on creations I've had swimming around in my head.  Today I'm playing with digi images from Wink Wink Ink!  I will have more creations to show you later in the week but right now,  I'm sharing my card titled "CONGRATULATIONS"  and the layout is for the Sketch Challenge over on SCS.

 (click on image to enlarge)

Isn't this image adorable!?!  This stamp set is called "Blossom Baby" and can be found in the *Wink *Wink Ink Store along with many more adorable images!  Please be sure to pop on over and check 'em out!!  

(click on image to enlarge)

You will find that Melanie offers a pre-colored image in most of her stamp sets.  That is what I have used today!  I simply added a little sparkle to the wings and flower with Stickles  ... Viola!  Great for those days when you need a card but just don't have the time to sit down & color.

Thanks for stopping by today and just a reminder that *Wink *Wink Ink has a new group over on CDAC and there's also a challenge going on right now through the end of the month.  Be sure to pop on over, check it out & join us!!  YOU could be the winner of free stamps!!  

Back to the cave I go (for awhile) ... I have SALSA to make & can this afternoon!!  Never a dull moment these days!!  Happy Day & Hugs to you all!!