Thursday, December 31, 2009
Rosie D's Design Team Call

There is a call out for a new Design Team member over at Rosie D's Challenge Blog so I thought I'd try out for the position. We are asked to create a New Year's card creation and one altered item. I decided to coordinate the two into a gift item for my neighbor. I just loved the color on this wine bottle so that was the basis for my color scheme as well as the coctail on my card ... a Blue Hawaiian perhaps???
After printing my images, I used a Fiskars swivel craft knife to cut them out. The coctail drink was colored with Prisma Pencils & Gamsol and although I don't think you can tell by the angle of my photo, there was Crystal Effects used on the Blue Hawaiian drink and the umbrella has been popped up. (click on the image for a larger view) The embellishments I have added are various colored sequins and holida
Here's wishing you & your family a wonderful, properous New Year! I know you've heard me say it before, but we are really looking forward to the new year since my dear husband is now Cancer Free!!
Enjoy your evening and please be safe!! We will be staying home, watching the ball drop ... and of course toasting each other with a little glass (or two) of Asti! We are expecting more snow over the weekend here in NE Ohio ... so I should have lots of time to play with my new Christmas crafting goodies! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Practical Scrappers & Winter Wonderland Challenges
My base is a two-ply navy/white card and the designer paper is from a Debbie Mumm holiday pack from JoAnn's. I've torn white cardstock, stacked, and edged with Martha Stewart craft glue and DecoArt Glamour Dust. My THANK YOU sentiment is handwritten spelled out in the red snowflakes punched with a Creative Memories snowflake punch. Willow was colored using Prismacolor Markers and I've used the DecoArt Glamour Dust to add a little extra sparkle to her cuffs & earmuffs (don't think you can see that in the photo).
Thanks to these new (to me) challenge blogs and a good friends ... I finally feel like my mojo is back! YEAH!!! Thanks for stopping by and taking a peek!
Digital Tuesday Creation ...
I'm still trying to get my mojo jump started so I'm trying a new challenge today. Today my creation is for the Digital Tuesday Challenge and we were asked to do Winter Scene Images using lots of Dazzling Diamonds (Diamond Dust) for Snow. You are to use a digi image also. That is the part I nearly forgot!!!!!
I first made this card using a Sugar Nellie image (see insert) then when I was finished, I realized I was to use a digi image so gently took the Whiff of Joy off and added this fun loving snowman by a NEW digi image designer ... Tanya (Stawnies - Stamps by Tanya). Tanya has a couple other blogs you might be interested in ... links are on the sidebar of her stores blog.
So what do you think??? I think he's pretty cute and makes me want to go outside an build my own snowman!! Yes, we have enough snow to be able to do this and they are calling for more this coming weekend ... joy, joy!!
Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate you taking the time!!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Midnight Madness #34

One I forgot ...

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Blessed with family ...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What fun ...
Mark & I had prepared a ham for the meal so it smelled really good when you walked into our house!! Since I was busy preparing food items and didn't have all the wrapping done yet ... Mark was good enough to take over that chore and keep me company in the kitchen. We kept the meal pretty simple since we all have a tendency to "overeat" throughout the holidays. Besides the ham, I made potatoe salad and green bean casserole. Of course we had other "munchies" scattered about ... trust me, no one goes hungry at our house!! LOL!
Well, there you have it ... Christmas at the Pavlick's!! Of course, it's always like Christmas Morning when my "kids" come to visit!
Thanks so much for letting me share my Christmas Day with you all!! I can't wait to get out there blog hopping and see how your Christmas Day was!! My family might be small ... but I am truly blessed and love dearly each & every one of them!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Papercraft Planet Challenges
So what do you think?? I love how it turned out and really liked this sketch and will use it again soon!! I found this image online at Clearly Vintage Images and thought it was perfect for this layout. I used my Creative Memories Cutting System to cut my ovals since my Nestabilities weren't large enough. I've created an A-6 size card using the required colors of cardstock and musical designer paper from The Paper Studio. I sponged around the edges with Ranger Vintage Photo ink for a little more "vintage" feel as well as using Wrights acru lace, chunky gold glitter, burgundy Prima flowers and Michael's gold ball gems. Also by using a gold Pilot marker, I edged around my main image before mounting onto the burgundy cardstock.
Hope you like this creation and find a little inspiration from my work! Thanks for taking the time to stop by today. Merry Christmas to you!
Penny's Challenge #19 - Monochromatic & A Christmas Classic
Well ... are you ready???? For Christmas of course ... and one more Penny's Challenge before we ring in the New Year. Today Penny has challenged us to create a Monochromatic Card. We are a little short handed this week with the busyness of the holidays and all ... so I decided to do TWO cards.
This first creation was quick & easy. The base card is royal blue and the designer papers are from a DCWV holiday 12x12 pack. The image was given to me by a friend (and sorry, I can't remember the designer ... I'm sure you know ... please shout it out). I've used Prisma markers for coloring and Nestabilities Classic & Scallop Ovals for matting.
For my second card, I used scraps of DCWV designer paper that was in my scraps bin, bordered with a gold Pilot marker and layed them in opposite directions on my base card. My images is a digi from Creations By Penny ... called Snow Family. Penny has a HUGE sale going on right now ... so jump on over and check it out!!! Aren't they adorable!! I've used the Nestabilities Decal Rectangle die for cutting and sponged around the edge before removing the image from the die. My snowmen were colored with Prisma markers and given texture with Liquid Applique.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Crafty Secrets, Midnight Madness & a Peek
Thanks so much for stopping by today! I know how busy you are and I'm so THRILLED that you've taken the time to say hello!! Now I'd better get to that wrapping! Please stop back tomorrow when I'll have a card for the last Penny's Challenge of 2009 to share with you. HUGS to all!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Before it's TOOOOO late ...

Santa's Everywhere ...
I have received Santas for several years from friends and family and just adore each & every one. I've often thought I'd like to keep them out all through the year but I'm afraid I would lose the thrill and enjoyment I feel each year when I unpack them and smile at the stories behind so many of them. Mark has bought
I am always amazed at the detail on some of this figures ... just amazing! Especially on the "Pipka" figures ... they are of smaller stature and the details are just awesome!!
I have several Santas and Snowmen that are "TEAPOTS". Yes, I also have a teapot collection so for several years my family has attempted to combine my two collections ... and quite successfully I must say!!
Everyone who has come into our home this year has really enjoyed looking at all my Santas. I haven't brought them out the past few years due to Mark's cancer ... I just wasn't up to celebrating and decorating as much as I usually do ... but "praise God" ... and thank the Lord for the wonderful doctors at Cleveland Clinic ... Mark is cancer free this year and we are CELEBRATING in every way we can!!!!!!!
One of my prize SANTA possessions is this "Pipka" throw blanket which I hang on the wall in the diningroom for all to see. It is such a beautiful scene ... I could just look at it for hours!! I found this "quilt hanger" in a Mennonite shop in Columbiana, OH and although a bit pricey ... I kn
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Play Date Cafe Challege - PDCC09

I still have several cards to make and get into the mail tomorrow so I decided to help myself out by printing wonderful vintage photos from the Clearly Vintage blog and used one of those images for today's challenge card. If you love vintage like I do ... please check out Cora's blog. And, she is so generous to share these beauties with all of us.
Like I said ... I'm trying to make quick cards since I'm running so far behind and these adorable images are perfect!
Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and say hello! I hope you are enjoying time with friends and family during this holiday season ... making wonderful holiday memories and maybe you can share a few with us!! Happy Holidays everyone!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Making Grandma Proud and a Winter White Christmas Card
I was MIA yesterday but for a VERY good reason! Although it was a busy, busy day ... it was wonderful! I was "back home" taking care of a few appointments, helped my mom with some computer issues, had lunch with a friend, helped my daughter create a money card basket for a raffle at last evenings Leetonia 's Christmas Concert, went to grandson Jonathan's basket ball game and granddaughter Morgan's Christmas Concert in which she played a solo. Would you like to see a few photos???
Grandson, Jonathan is in the 7th grade and decided to try out for basketball this year. I was really impressed at how many time he could "hit the net"!! Unfortunately, their team lost the game but I have to say ... Jon certainly plays with all of his heart!!!
When I first came into the school (not knowing what Jon's NUMBER was) ... I saw a young man whom I THOUGHT was Jon but
His name is Charlie ... and these two guys could be brothers!! Jon is number 50 and Charlie is number 20! It was so much fun watching these guys ... they certainly play hard and run really fast!!! I would be totally exhausted after the first period ... let alone the entire game ... what with all the running back & forth on the court!! LOL!!!
Due to DH's health issues the past couple of years, I haven't had much of an opportunity to partake in the kids events, so was really thrilled that I could take the time yesterday to share in what's important (at this stage of their lives) for both of my grandkids.
Jonathan is aggressively outgoing and enjoys everything from Hunting to Racing to Sports! He tries really hard at anything he's involved in and is VERY competitive!!!
After Jon's basketball game, which his Mother, Sister & myself attended, we made a mad dash back to the house to pick up their Dad and head to the High School for Morgan's FINAL
Morgan is a senior this year ... VERY active in the band and this was a very important, bitter/sweet evening for her. Mo (as we call her) has been Field Commander for the past two years with the band and last night she had a solo during the concert! I haven't heard Mo play her clarinet for awhile now and was QUITE IMPRESSED with her solo!
Mr. Rodick, the band director has been a huge influence on Mo and I'm sure s
After Mo's solo piece, Mr. Rodick had her stand for applause and of course I was the one clapping the loudest!!! Sorry about the picture ... for some reason, the eyes came out looking a bit "demonish" ... and I couldn't figure out how to fix that! Bad Grandma!!!
As I have mentioned in the past, my daughter Carolyn is VERY involved in her children's schooling!! Both acedemically and extra-curricularly. She is the head of the Band Boosters and this year they decided to honor all the seniors with their own personal posters. Here is a photo of Carolyn (in the red Santa hat ... lower left) honoring Samantha with her poster and showing the audience what they would look like. Morgan is holding up the poster for all to see! What a great idea!! The Band Boosters decided that the band members don't get the recognition they deserve and thought this was a nice way to show them they are appreciated! GREAT JOB LADIES!!!
After the concert was over and before having to head back home, I asked the kids & Mr. Rodick if I could get a photo ... of course they were willing to "humor Grandma" and posed for me on the steps to the stage. I'm sure Mo will want this one for her Senior Scrapbook and was so glad I remembered to take it!!
A VERY PROUD evening for Grandma to say the least!! I always enjoy being around "my kids" ... and was so glad I didn't miss this evenings events. Mark was unable to come (he's caught a cold and it's all he can do to get to work each day) but was there in spirit! He too is very proud of both the grandkids and hopefully next year (when his health is better) he'll be able to share in a few more of their activities.
Do you think Mother & Daughter look a little alike??? Tee Hee!!! Thanks for letting me share my FUN, PROUD day with you!!
Thanks so much everyone for stopping by today!! I really do appreciate it! I know how busy EVERYONE is this time of the year and for you to take the time to stop and say Hi ... really warms my heart!!
Today I hope to FINALLY get MY Christmas cards in the mail ... and hopefully get my new tires on my car! Happy Day Everyone!!!