Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Double D - Polka Dots


 Hello Dear Friends!

It's time once again for a new challenge over on the Double D Challenge Blog!
Here's today's theme:
Polka Dots
and here's an inspiration board created to help get you started . . .
 It's always so much fun to create with polka dots or stripes!
I have several 6x6 paper pads with different colors and color hues of
polka dots so today I decided on pink!  Pink is a happy color so 'why not!' LOL

I used a 6x6 panel from an Echo Park paper pad, decided how far across
the card front I wanted it to come then fussy cut a semi wavy line.
I next grabbed some of my MANY Heartfelt Creations flower off cuts,
colored them in two different TH pink colors and used 2 different
Nuvo Crystal Drops for their centers.  A Pink Fresh sentiment and VIOLA!!
Remember, it's a random draw for the winner so it could be YOU!!

You'll want to be sure to pop over to the Double D Challenge Blog to see all the details and amazing samples offered up by our VERY TALENTED design team ladies!!

 Thanks so much for stopping by!
Hope to see you at Double D! 

  As always . . .


  1. Pretty in Pink Polka Dots. So sweet! Loving the flower edge border, that looks fabulous!

  2. A beautiful way to use some of those flowers, the design is lovely!!

  3. First of all, let me say that I know how deeply we can feel when we lose our friends. Hugs to you Darlene. Your card is so pretty and it could not be any better as a tribute to Doni. I see that she looks pretty in pink.

  4. I've been admiring your fun design with the polka dot panel and the flowers on the edge for trim. It's a beautiful way to put those flowers to work! You mentioned polka dots or stripes, and now I'm remembering how much I like to put the two together. I may have to make another card!

  5. This is such a delightful card! The pink flowers bordering the polka dots is so pretty. I love the polka dotted theme and am so glad you gave us a challenge to use them.

  6. What a fabulous card, I love that pretty floral border. Great color, great design. Awesome!!!

  7. The flowers make such a pretty border!

  8. This is so pretty and happy Dar! Polka dots warm the heart and this card has the perfect sentiment. Love the flower border on this.


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